Engage prospects who
want your solutions

BuyerForesight Event Marketing Intelligence provides a dedicated analyst focused on understanding what motivates your buyers using qualitative interviews and quantitative research. Your analyst’s role is to ensure you’re engaging the right prospects for the right reasons next quarter and into next year.

Event Marketing Intelligence Services include:

Event Marketing Maturity Model

Our Event Marketing Maturity Model provides a snapshot for you to understand your current level of marketing sophistication. BuyerForesight Event Marketing Acceleration can help go from “Reactive” to “Optimized” with quantitative metrics that help grow your business 

Ad-hoc event execution

Little to no dedicated team

Processes are irregular & minimal strategy or performance tracking

Limited overall marketing orchestration


Consistent branding for Events

Centralized lead reporting

Basic integration with digital campaigns

Tracking basic metrics and value


Event plays aligned to buyer journey

Multi-channel lead nurturing

Customized geo-targeted digital amplification

Event marketing dashboards covering ROI


Event activity aligned with buyers & partners

Optimized processes including partner & Event lifecycle management (Multi-staged)

Geo-targeted account based Event plays

Event ROI Analytics: Quantify event driven pipeline and attribution based on intelligence and revenue cycle stage per territory.


Event activity aligned with buyers, customers, community & partners

Architecting Event efforts focused on priority needs of targeted regional ICP micro-verticals via customized industry-specific outreach.

Localized, personalized, contextual orchestration powered by audience analysis and optimization

Integrated campaigns fostering community connections between similar profiles tackling shared category challenges


To learn more about Event Marketing Intelligence Services